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Q: What is the payment method?

You can confirm your booking with any major credit card and we accept Paypal as well.

Q: Should I bring my own towels and linen?

Not at all. Linen and towels are provided. You only have to come yourself. Bring you tooth brush only and your clothes of course.

Q: Should I pay any other charges besides the accommodation price?

Not at all. The price includes taxes and services. You don´t pay any higher unless you would like to avail of daily cleaning service or babysitter. These services are charged extra.



Position: Partner
Claudio was born in Argentina, he loves visiting foreign countries. When it was time for studying he did Economics and when applying for an Exchange Programme he visited the United States where he stayed for almost two years travelling all along and across. Claudio enjoys highly surfing and hiking and he is setting up a surf boards artesanal factory. We'll post videos as soon as I can shoot something in this workshop. Nowadays he is working in the EspacioBA project as a parner bringing all the experience he got while working at a multinational company in the capacity of manager.
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Position: EspacioBA
Hi, it's Kiki here.  I love adventure, wild life, history and travelling. I have traveled the world extensively and adore being flexible and leaving my comfort zone for learning about different cultures and life styles. I have been living in Seville, Dublin and London for 11 years, when back in Buenos Aires in 2012,  I have been approached to work on a Temporary lettings agency project, so there is where I displayed all my skills to get this up and running. Once set up, it was time to work from the shadows and let the Operations Team to shine on it. They are the best people, we are so happy we have the best team to serve you. We adore making new friends, showing the city, offering accommodation, but it's not only that, there is always an extra mile to go for. Please  contact us at any moment with suggestions, or experiences that you would like to share with us.
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Buenos Aires Palaces

Buenos Aires Palaces

Option 1.

Walk around Recoleta neighbourhood, touring the area where we can find:
Ortiz Basualdo Palace (French Embassy), Pereda Palace (Brazilian Embassy), Duhau Palace, Álzaga Unzué Mansion, Errázuriz Alvear Palace (closed between December 22nd and January 9th).



Option 2.

Anchorena Palace. Official guided tour, OR Paz Palace. Official guided tour. Tour around Plaza San Martín, Shopping and/or coffee break at Galerías Pacífico, where the main vault has been decorated by great argentinian artists such as Antonio Berni, Lino Enea Spilimbergo, Demetrio Urruchúa and Juan Carlos Castagnino.


Buenos Aires and its literature

Buenos Aires and its literature

Walking through the Recoleta neighborhood, the National Library , its gardens and monuments, and the Interactive Museum of Books and Language.
Walking along Santa Fe Avenue and having a coffee in the “Ateneo Book Shop- Grand Splendid Movie-theatre before” , one of the most beautiful book shops in the world.
Afternoon tea at the once home of the writer Victoria Ocampo in Beccar, Buenos Aires. Prestigious figures of art and culture stayed at Villa Ocampo invited by Victoria such as Le Corbusier , Walter Gropius , Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky , R. Tagore , Aldous Huxley, Graham Greene, Albert Camus , Andre Malraux, Octavio Paz Gabriela Mistral , Pablo Neruda, Ortega y Gasset, and Jorge Luis Borges, among others.


Buenos Aires and its religion

Buenos Aires and its religion

Visit to the Russian Orthodox Church, founded by decree of Tsar Alexander III in 1888. Visit of the Danish church, neo-Gothic , where we will discuss the sailboat Kopenhavn mystery whose replica is located in the center of the temple pointing towards the altar. Visit to the Metropolitan Cathedral, including the Mausoleum of General Jose de San Martin, its legends and mysteries. Visit to the Libertad Temple (Synagogue) Optional visit to the Jewish Museum. Guided tour of the Islamic Cultural Center Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd.


Option 1.

Visit to the San Isidro catedral.


Option 2.

Visit the Holy Land theme park, a reproduction of more than seven hectares of the city of Jerusalem in the first century with its buildings, music, food , arts and crafts , further comprising: The Grotto of the Franciscans, which recreates life in a monastery of the thirteenth century. A replica of the Wailing Wall. Reproduction of a Roman temple. Playback of a mosque. The Museum of religiosity.


Buenos Aires and the river

Buenos Aires and the river

Visit to the Museum ” Quinquela Martin” in the neighborhood of La Boca (Tuesday to Sunday from 11 to 18). Donated by the artist, the building has a school whose classrooms he decorated , a museum of Argentine figurative art, a splendid collection of figureheads (the third of its kind worldwide ), an exhibition of personal belongings of the artist (who lived and worked on the third floor of the building ) and a sculpture terrace.


Historic Vessels
Option 1:

Corvette Uruguay (1874)

Option 1:

Fragata Sarmiento (1897)

Buenos Aires Music

Buenos Aires Music

  • The Beatles, the accordion and the Colon Theatre.

Visit to the Beatles Museum, endorsed twice by Guinness World Records as the world’s largest collection, with more than 8,500 objects , including birth certificates, autographs, cards, tickets and concert programs, books, original celluloid movies, discography and filmography in all formats, porcelain, dolls, music boxes, musical instruments, games, toys and all kinds of memorabilia.

Visit the Colon Theatre  (optional feature ), one of the leading opera houses in the world. The tour includes a visit to the inside building: Golden Hall, workshops scenery, props , costumes and hair, rehearsal rooms orchestra, ballet roundabouts , and access to the stage . Also the museum of ancient musical instruments and memorabilia of opera and ballet in the foyer.


Esoteric Buenos Aires

Esoteric Buenos Aires

Visit the Museum of the artist Xul Solar (1887-1963) , eccentric character , versed in languages, occultism and and mythology , painter of works of fantasy genre, inventor of two universal languages, the pan- language and  Neo Creole, and also a pan- chess in which the boxes were referring to the zodiacal signs.

Guided night tour to the Barolo Palace, whose architectural design is to detail the compositional scheme of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. In addition, the building is reminiscent of the architecture of India , as its architect took elements of the Palace of Winds in Jaipur and Rajarani Temple Bhubaneshvar.


The crime route

The crime route

Visit to the Police Museum, twenty showrooms dedicated to police work from the historical, technical and criminologist perspective. Visit the Museum of the Judicial Morgue (not recommended for impressionable people and banned for children less than 18 years). Visit to the Antonio Ballvé Penitentiary Museum. And for the evening … interactive theatre piece: Crime at the Munich. Highly recommended.


Tango Day

Tango day

Días miércoles a partir de las 14.00

Tango Monument at Puerto Madero, visit to the Carlos Gardel Museum, visit to the International Museum of Tango, dancing night at “La Ideal” café.


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